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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Creativity – The Parents & Po Po

Just as the kids are creative, the parents cannot lose out in our creativity too. Everyday, we or rather, it’s usually me & my mum who needs to be very creative. We need to teach them, tell them, sometimes even “threaten” them in order to stop them from what we don’t them to keep doing.

I started with Mr Spoon, then it grew to using “ka ka” aka the cockroach to my helper using lizard to scare a lot of other things that we can think of.

When we don’t “threaten” them, we try to coax them or bribe them. Sometimes, my mum will even tell Inez that if she behave and be a good girl, she will buy that toy or bear or fishball or whatever Inez wants.

Sometimes, I will use reverse psychology and tell her that Mummy don’t like naughty children or sometimes I will ask her if she’s a good girl, etc…

It’s a lifelong journey and everyday I’m learning.. Guess my mum is also learning too… Haha…

Creativity – The Kids

I’m sure that every kid is very creative, especially mine, in the area of thinking or coming up with new “patterns” and “stunts” to “WOW” us.

Both Inez  Alvez can come out with different things every other few days to “SURPRISE” us and the person  who usually discovers it will be my mum & helper as they spend most of the time with the kids.

It can be things like Alvez can suddenly discover a new way of creeping underneath the table or Inez found another way to climb up the playpen. Or they can climb and stand on the otter man. Inez can suddenly find herself touching the door knob when she tip toed.



They are just so full of tricks and sometimes, you just cannot anticipate what they have up their sleeves. With such active kids, who need slimming down? :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Scared of lion dance

Ever since Inez was a young baby, she’s pretty scared of lion dance. Till now, she has not overcome the fear of lion dance.

imagesWe went to Clementi Mall two weeks ago and there was a lion dance performance for a new shop. When Inez saw it, she immediately screamed and shake her head and  say NO…She hold on so tightly to me and hide her face.

Now, the 7pm show on Channel 8 is showing the olden days of Singapore which showcase martial arts and lion dance. Inez will always ‘take cover’ and cover her face with pillows whenever she watch this show.

Even my mum has “threaten” her with the “dong dong chiang” whenever she’s naughty or throwing tantrums. I guess it will take some time for her to overcome this fear.

Inez second flower girl attempt

She did GREAT!!!

During the rehearsal, the wedding co-ordinator wanted the page boy to walk first and Inez was to follow suit but she walked so fast that she overtook the boy. So, they decided to switch and let her walked first. The funny thing was she forgot to throw the flowers and only did so when she was almost walking near to the front of the aisle.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Inez going to be flower girl again

I think she will do a better job as flower girl this Saturday.

Thanks Uncle Alan and Auntie Liting for buying a new dress and the hairband for her to wear this Saturday for your BIG DAY!!!

314923_141865379252964_100002885087397_151231_4229041_nMummy have been reminding her that she is flower girl again…which I think she can still remember her first experience…So rest assured… :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

An hour a day

That’s about the time that I have to mingle and bond with my kids on weekday. Usually, I will reach home about 7pm, have my dinner and then play with my kids. My kids usually go to sleep at around 8 to 830pm, so I really treasure the short time we have on weekday.

It’s as if the kids also know the short time we have during the weekdays, so whenever the weekends are here, the kids nap lesser and keep wanting to play. I guess it’s because they also want to spend time with us and play as much as they can with us. Inez will sometimes refuse to nap on Sunday when we are out after service even though she’s very tired.

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Monkeys & Pig

When I look at my kids sometimes, it’s as if I have “2 monkeys” at home…reason being that both are so active and Inez is at that age where she’s super curious about everything and anything. She is also very explorative as she will touch there touch here and she will climb here and there. She is so “courageous” that she will climb up even to the playpen, which cause my mum’s hear to “drop out”…

And whenever Alvez see what the sister is doing, he will follow suit. It just makes me wonder how come their action is so fast. If you just don’t watch them for one minute, you never know if an accident or fall will happen. My mum has been complaining almost every other day about them being so mischievous and it’s tiring looking after them.

I know it seems bad but sometimes, I will tell them that Mummy has “2 monkeys” at home… :P

There will be times where I think I have “1 monkey and 1 pig” at home…Alvez is the pig cos he sleeps super a lot.. He can sleep like 15 hours in a 24 hour’s a good thing and I’m happy about it as I heard people say that the more babies sleep, the faster they grow. He can sleep at 9pm and wake up the next morning at 9 or 10am and then nap for about 3 hours still in the day.